Class ‘app\http\controllers\Redirect, \Auth, \Session \Input, \Response, \Model, \View, \DB Not Found

While you are working with laravel web applications and you may face Class ‘App\Http\Controllers\’ \Redirect, \Auth, \Session \Input, \Response, \Model, \View, \DB Not Found in Laravel 10, 9, 8, and 7. So, in this tutorial

Laravel 10|9|8 call controller method from another controller

To access/call controller method/function from another controller in Laravel 10|9|8 apps; Through this tutorial, you will learn how to call controller method/function from another controller function/method in laravel 10, 9, 8 apps. How to Access/Call

Intervention Image Class, Facades, Providers Not Found in Laravel

If you want to upload, resize, crop, rotate, watermark, and add various image filters to images using image intervention in Laravel application. And that time you get some error, class ‘intervention image imageServiceProvider’ not found

Laravel @yield(‘content’) and @section(‘content’) Tutorial Example

In Laravel, there are @section and @yield directives. @section defines a section of content, while @yield displays the contents of a given section. You can use @yield to define a section in the layout and